Move Your Feet
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Move Your Feet

“When a way is long, you shorten it with your feet, not a hatchet.” Oji

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Natasha Walker Natasha Walker


“My badness is more manifest than my goodness; you lock up my goodness in the room, and sell my badness in the markets.” (Efik)

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Stop Being Extra!
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Stop Being Extra!

“It is not worth talking about a slip of the foot as if it were a fall.” (Efik)

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Fowl Nobody Fren
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Fowl Nobody Fren

“If the goat has anything, he eats it with the fowl; if the fowl gets his portion, he goes up on the roof of the house.” Efik

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The Pig in the Mire
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

The Pig in the Mire

“The pig, having done wallowing in the mire, is seeking some clean person to rub against.” (Yoruba)

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Fear Who Sends You
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Fear Who Sends You

“We should fear him who sends us with a message, not to whom we are sent.” (Yoruba)

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Knowledge is a Garden
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Knowledge is a Garden

“Knowledge is like a garden: if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested.” (Ghana)

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Natasha Walker Natasha Walker


“He who does not shave you, does not cut you.”

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Making the Dew Fall
Natasha Walker Natasha Walker

Making the Dew Fall

“To love someone who doesn’t love you is like shaking the tree to make the dew drops fall.”

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