Over the Lion’s Body

“What is said over the dead lion’s body, could not said to him alive.” (Zaire)

This is a proverb about cowards and the weak. We love to see someone fall. When they are successful, we prostrate and bow and give tributes. When they fail, we insist we always knew they were a fraud. We do this because there is no longer is any danger—the lion cannot bite your head off now! As simple as the proverb seems, it is a reminder to check your own character. If you are just waiting for your chance—a would be usurper—like the hyenas who turn on Scar in The Lion King, are you truly powerful? Or are you the fraud?

“Yeah you shining / but the only thing you leaving out / you’re a candle in the sun / that sh** don’t even out” (Jay-Z, “Hola Hovito”)


Your Host’s House


A Fault Confessed